Boris Lvin (bbb) wrote,
Boris Lvin

Отречение назло

Король Камбоджи Сианук угрожает отречься от престола, потому что его клеветнически обвиняют в попытке управлять страной. Но отречься он согласен только если получит разрешение парламента.

Cambodia's aging King Norodom Sihanouk said on Friday he was ready to abdicate "without delay," threatening to throw his country's already tense pre-election politics into even greater turmoil.

The 80-year-old monarch, who officially plays no part in politics under a 1993 constitution whereby he "reigns but does not rule," said he wanted to stand down because he was being unfairly accused of trying to run the country.

"I am ready to abdicate without delay as soon as I get authorization from (a majority of) the members of the National Assembly," Sihanouk said in a statement released by the palace.

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