Boris Lvin (bbb) wrote,
Boris Lvin

В КАТАЛОГ (букинист на Parklawn Drive)

  1. Richard Ullman "Anglo-Soviet relations, 1917-1921. Vol. 1. Intervention and the war" 1961
  2. Brian Crozier "Free agent. The unseen war 1941-1991" Harper Collins Publishers. 1993
  3. David Dallin "Soviet foreign policy after Stalin" J.B.Lippincott Company. 1961
  4. Michal Reiman "The Birth of Stalinism. The USSR on the Eve of the "Second Revolution" Indiana University Press. 1987
  5. Philip Cortney "The economic Munich" 1949
  6. David Childs and Richard Popplewell "The Stasi. The East German Intelligence and Security Service" New York University Press. 1996
  7. Joseph Albright, Marcia Kunstel "Bombshell. The secret story of America's unknown atomic spy conspiracy" Random House. 1997
  8. Victor Suvorov "Inside Soviet military intelligence" 1984
  9. Christopher Andrew, Vasili Mitrokhin "The sword and the shield. The Mitrokhin archive and the secret history of the KGB" Basic Books. 1999
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