Boris Lvin (bbb) wrote,
Boris Lvin

В КАТАЛОГ (букинист на Parklawn Drive)

  1. Anthony Arnold "Afghanistan. The Soviet invasion in perspective" Hoover Institution Press, 1981
  2. Don Oberdorfer "The two Koreas. A contemporary history" Basics Books, 2001
  3. "Foreign relations of the United States, 1961-1963. Volume V. Soviet Union" US Government Printing Office, 1998
  4. Nelson Trottman "History of the Union Pacific. A financial and economic survey" Augustus M. Kelley Publishers, 1966 (reprint of 1923 edition)
  5. William Henry Chamberlin "The Russian revolution. 1917-1921. Volume 1" The Macmillan Company, 1935
  6. William Henry Chamberlin "The Russian revolution. 1917-1921. Volume 2" The Macmillan Company, 1935
  7. George F. Kennan "Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920. Volume II. The decision to intervene" Princeton University Press, 1958
  8. "Asian forms of the nation" (ed. by Stein Tønnison and Hans Antlöv) Curzon Press, 1996
  9. David E. Hoffman "The oligarchs. Wealth and power in the new Russia" Public Affairs, 2002 (advance copy)
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